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18 October 2011

Jon Stewart Ridicules GOP Mocking Most Of America

From Denny: Jon Stewart hits it out of the ball park yet again.  Here he pulls together copious news clips of the GOP's rallying cry to the American public to "go out into the streets and take back America." Much to their chagrin Americans are doing just that.  It's called Occupy Wall Street protests.

Only problem is that they are the 80 percent of the country the Republicans love to hate:  the middle class, liberals, progressives, labor unions, gays, the unemployed, students who graduated and can't find jobs... you know, most of the country.

One of the clips is especially funny where the GOP tries to sell their tired "class warfare" whine: "It's not nice to pit millionaires against billionaires." That's as crazy as Mitt Romney's recent, "Corporations are people too."

Who ARE these people voted into Congress anyway? We should relabel them from politicians to The Outrageous Who Suck Wall Street Assets.

Can you see it when the news cameras turn off the lights and mikes? Eric Cantor gets on his cell and puts in a call to his Wall Street handlers, "So, now that I've delivered your message have you dropped my $3 million into my account? Oh, good, nice doing business with you in such a timely manner."

Take a look at Jon Stewart's devastating reveal of the GOP Speak Talking Heads selling their stupidity.

Tuesday October 18, 2011

Scorn in the U.S.A.

It must be tough for Republicans to love America so much but hate almost three-quarters of the people living in it.

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