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24 August 2011

Funny Jon Stewart Comics Explain American Politics

Photo by Beverly and Pack @ flickr
From Denny:  It's a wonder that humanity has survived this long considering our political gaffes, weird ineffective policies and dysfunctional governments over the centuries.  Too many selfish egos colliding around Congress like bumper cars at a state fair make our lives as difficult as it is entertaining.

Society must have survived because of the comics that help us laugh at our annoying government while we patiently wait to "throw the bums out" at the next available election. :)  I find Jon Stewart and his stable of fellow funny guys quite refreshing.  Comics sure do have a wonderful way of putting it all into perspective, along with stabbing pins into the hot air pundit and political balloons.

Now if MSNBC would hire back Cenk Uygar, Keith Olbermann and other smart commentators who can't be fooled and are looking out for the public's best interests...

Meanwhile, check out the hilarious look at both our American political parties, my Democrats and the overt corporate puppets, the Republicans - who believe in coddling billionaires.  Who could forget at the Iowa Republican Straw Poll state fair where Mitt Romney actually said, "Corporations are people too."  Unbelievable.  The comics don't have to make up this stuff because it's handed to them on a silver platter marked "Take me; I'm yours!"

For good measure the comics include the Socialist Party and the bizarros over at the Tea Party.  While there are five clips they are all short in time to view.  Get a grin to propel you through the rest of the work week while we all run for cover from the 98 degree summer heat and the occasional impromptu hurricane.

Monday August 22, 2011

The Correspondents Explain - Political Parties - The Two-Party System 

The two-party system is all about choosing the candidate you're less in hate with -- unless somebody's wealthy grandpa ruins that.

Monday August 22, 2011

The Correspondents Explain - Political Parties - The Socialist Party

The Socialist Party was invented by parents to scare children into doing whatever they say.

Monday August 22, 2011

The Correspondents Explain - Political Parties - The Democratic Party

The Democratic Party is in love with illegal gay Mexicans, Twitter porn and tree-hugging.

Monday August 22, 2011

The Correspondents Explain - Political Parties - The Republican Party

The Republican Party is a big tent full of red meat and money earned through lineage.

Monday August 22, 2011

The Correspondents Explain - Political Parties - The Tea Party

The Tea Party name comes from a fourth grader's understanding of history.

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