Dennys Links

26 July 2011

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Jon Stewart Sneers At Debt Ceiling Talks: Nonfiction Captain America

Dennys: News Politics Comedy Science Arts & Food: Jon Stewart Sneers At Debt Ceiling Talks: Nonfiction Captain America: "From Denny: Jon Stewart taps into American anger at our politicians for being so stupid about these debt ceiling talks. They all are still politically posturing while the public will be the ones to be the ultimate losers - except come election day when we all get to 'throw the bums out.'

The Republicans are naked in their exposure for propping up the wealthy at the expense of the middle class, the elderly and the poor. The GOP is held hostage by the Tea Party conservatives who are adamant to implode our economy and the global village along with us.

The Democrats can't seem to rein in their idiot Centrists under Steny Hoyer dumb enough to vote for Republican proposals. President Obama probably wants to quit the job and move off world after dealing with these greedy fools."