Dennys Links

11 June 2011

Stealing Your Blog Content: Duplicate Content Farm

Stop Sign

From Denny: Do you know who is stealing your blog or site content of original articles and posts, even poetry?  Check out a serial violator of duplicate content on the internet.  He may be stealing from your blog or site.  How does it affect you on the internet when your copyright is violated?

The site known as Health News Gate, located at, is a duplicate content farm, stealing from all over the internet. He is based out of the Ukraine and ignores all contact letters of cease and desist. steals from all over the internet in areas of health, news, politics, sports, music, photography poetry, spiritual, you name it.  Just a duplicate content farm that Google has yet to put out of their search engine.

What is he stealing from you? 

For the past year I have found him to be stealing my blog posts from all of my blogs, to the tune of hundreds of stolen posts. All of my work, including my byline of "From Denny" is copyrighted.  He is even ranked in the search engines with my exact same blog post titles, right along with my original content.  What he is doing is redirecting search engine traffic to his site, using your post title and your content placed on his site - but without links back to your site.

He was contacted dozens of times informing him to take down my content.  At first he refused.  Then he thought he was clever and took down some of the bodies of a few posts but not the post titles or my byline.  After more complaints to him over the past eight months, he shifted from blog to blog, leaving alone the one complained about for a time and shifting over to stealing from yet another.  A total cockroach in behavior.

I gave him time to correct his nasty behavior and he refused so I kicked it up a notch.  I went directly to the sites carrying my posts he claimed as his own.  After contacting them several times with proof of his theft they started removing those urls from his feed on their site or booted him off their site entirely.  Here are some of the results so far:

I tracked him down to and they took down all of my content he stole as well as the content from over 15,000 other pirated articles.  It took only three emails, along with evidence of my stolen posts.  Within three hours Zimbio booted him off their site.

Zimbio gets a gold star in my blogger book.  They took action quickly and resoundingly.  They were smart enough to realize just how much they were legally exposed.

Zimbio is a site where you can link your blog feed and it automatically publishes your posts - which means Zimbio gets free content.  That's fine if you agree to it as a way to promote your blog or site by giving away your copyrights.  This guy from put up my feeds and stole my content.  Did he steal yours?

This site is not as conscientious as Zimbio.  It took several weeks of constant emails along with proof of theft to get their attention.  All they did was remove the exact urls I gave them, nothing else.  This guy should have been booted off their feed entirely.  I don't recommend doing business with 

This guy, Health News Gate,  is a serial offender:

Here are the links to just a few of my posts he has stolen and reposted onto the site and feed.  I also took photos of the Health News Gate site where he has posted my content illegally:

Celebrities Who Fought Postpartum Depression - he placed on his site here on 22 Oct 2010 with just my post title and no article now -

Here is the original content from The Healing Waters blog posted 26 July 2010 -

original post from my blog The Social Poets -

original post from my blog Beautiful Illustrated Quotations -

original post from Dennys Funny Quotes -

original post from Best Spiritual Posts -

original post from The Social Poets -

original post from The Healing Waters blog -

original post from Dennys Art Sanctuary -

original post from Beautiful Illustrated Quotations -

original post from The Social Poets blog -

original post from Beautiful Illustrated Quotations blog -

original post from Poems From A Spiritual Heart blog -

original post from The Soul Calendar science blog -

original post from The Healing Waters blog -


Update: 20 June 2011 - yet more stolen content and redirected traffic:

The Social Poets: Funny Colbert Interviews Janny Scott About Obamas Mother -

original post from:

****** removed my blog posts from his content but did not ban him - apparently, because no one else realizes he stole their content: - Health and Fitness news. Free Health Gate for Sport, Fitness Fat loss, Dental Medicine, diet programs and natural recepies - Last Checked: 06/10/11 08:46:27 - Added: 06/10/11 08:46:27 - a legitimate feed directory for news from blogs and sites - "an information portal with a news search engine that searches press sites and blogs."

I've written them and have yet to hear back from them as of this writing.  As a self-defense I went ahead and submitted all my blogs to their site as proof positive I own them, not this guy.  Who knows, maybe it will redirect more traffic to my blogs? :)

Meanwhile, continues to carry my posts in the above links on his Health News Gate site - and these are just the ones I've found.  As it was I had to go through 1,500 posts to find dozens of my own on Zimbio.  There were over 15,000 articles posted by him.

* * * Here are some other duplicate posts found on his site from other authors:

FDA just says no to arsenic in chickens -

he stole that from the site original post -

Cancer Prevention Five Hottest Updates You Ought To Know -

This is the original article of which he did a really bad and confusing translation from This is really sad because there are desperate people out there searching for information to heal themselves and this guy is just making up stuff as he goes along -

Cheap Sytropin -

Here is the original article he copied and pasted onto his site from -

A mere 20 minutes researching on any search engine pulls up all the original articles and blog posts he is stealing.  Why is no one policing this kind of theft?

Why is this guy so odious?

Here is what he is doing and how it affects you: 

1 - he steals your copyrighted content

2 - he hijacks your blog's feed and claims if as his own and gets credit for it on various sites

3 - he steals your blog traffic by redirecting from search engines and other sites where he posts your content as if it were his own - so your traffic ranking goes down as a result

4 - he is now featuring his site as a phony feed directory, a clever way to get other people's feeds to redirect traffic to his site but with no links back to your site and the original content

5 - he is a general ass that everyone is willing to chase all over the planet to take back what he stole.

By now Duplicate Content Thieves like should get the message:  Never anger an American woman.  We will chase your sorry asses to the end of the earth and then kick you off the planet for good measure.

To all my blogger friends: Happy Hunting for Blog Content Farm thieves!  Be sure to check out to make sure he did not steal from your blog or site.

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