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20 June 2011

Poll: Huge Percentage Americans Unhappy With Economy

From Denny: Gallup pollsters discovered this week that 78 percent of Americans are unhappy about the way things are going in this country. That's a six point increase in dissatisfaction in only 30 days.

In another Gallup poll this week as well, the U.S. Economic Confidence, only 30 percent of Americans believe the economy is getting better. That's down another seven points since last month.

Six straight weeks of Wall Street declines and bleak jobs outlook are the major factors for dissatisfaction. The crippling third reason is the very high price of gasoline at the pump. It's over $1 dollar higher per gallon than a year ago and that was too high for the economy to thrive back then.

Who can afford to drive to their job when it now costs as much as an additional $500 or more a month? People are choosing between paying their house mortgage or driving to work.

Another opinion of over half of Americans is that they rate the economy as "poor," down three points from last week as well as down three points from this time last year.  People also fear a global economic slowdown.   Two thirds say the economy is "getting worse."

Perhaps President Obama should quit bragging on how much money he is demanding from donors and get serious about fixing the jobs situation if he wants to get reelected.  Clearly, the American public is in a foul mood, no longer easily mollified by inspirational speeches that get no serious follow up coupled with great deeds.

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