Dennys Links

27 June 2011

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: It Isnt In Me

Poems From A Spiritual Heart: It Isnt In Me: "'Love is how we all win'

How to define someone by what they are not. Pivotal moment can prompt you to write

From Denny: I’ve always worked from the inside out. Yet in the West, and especially in America, our culture tends to work from the outside, ignoring the 'inside self' the majority of the time. And we wonder why America is a drug-plagued society with so much emotional and spiritual pain? There isn’t enough loving going around: yourself - as well as the stranger standing next to you!

You can love yourself without resorting to selfishness, stinginess or self-absorption. Just take good care of yourself as much as you would someone you value highly. Your world will improve dramatically when you adopt this philosophy."