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15 June 2011

Funny Jon Stewart Mocking GOP Debate: Indecision 2012

From Denny: Only Jon Stewart could make the GOP debates actually sound somewhat interesting. At our house we consider them a real snooze, OK, yawn. First up was the media beating up on milk toast Pawlenty who refused to slash and gut Romney on "ObaNeeCare" that only just days before he had criticized Romney.

Since Romney is the current front runner in this 17 month race to the White House, he was grinning like a Cheshire Cat while Pawlenty tried to weasel out of his statements against Romney. Yeah, Pawlenty sure looks like Vice President front runner material to the media. He displayed a willingness to accept Beta Dog position to Romney's Alpha Dog.

Moving right along to Bachmann and her stunner performance. It's obvious she hired an acting coach in conjunction with her speech coach. Too bad she didn't think to hire a Make Any Sense Coach to add to her campaign war chest.   But hey, these Tea Party candidates don't always come to the party with all their marbles.

She proudly announced she had submitted "the papers just that day to seek the office of the president of the United States." Well, yeah, honey, and that's why you are involved in a presidential debate the same day. All together now, "Got sense?"

The male media political sports fan seem to gloss over her gaffe in favor of her stunning performance. You see, she provided "proof of life" the more stilted candidates did not seem to possess. She automatically received the Most Animated Award during the debate.

On to Newtie. Well, he just scowled during the debate, reminding us all of Nixon in his debate with Kennedy. Newtie was surrounded by a bevy of three family members since he had no political staff. Remember? His entire campaign fired the candidate last week - not the candidate firing the campaign staff. Can GOP politics get any weirder?

Now enjoy Jon Stewart's take on the GOP debate of The Seven Dwarfs, a reference to when the GOP mocked the Democrats with our seven candidates one mean political season. The worm has turned and it's Lady Karma making an appearance.

Who knows? With folks like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert mocking the candidates every step of the way, the public might actually enjoy this long weary political season. :)

* * * 2 video clips * * * 

Tuesday June 14, 2011
Indecision 2012 - Second Republican Debate
Republican presidential hopefuls gather on the set of the world's most patriotic game show: "America's Got America."

Tuesday June 14, 2011
Indecision 2012 - Second Republican Debate Is a Success
It's impossible to get tripped up by adhering too closely to ideology at a Republican primary debate, unless you're a libertarian.

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Tags: Tim Pawlenty, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Michele Bachmann, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, John King, Republicans, Internet, Twitter, CNN, New Hampshire, kids, abortion, immigration, health, insurance, Islamic, religion, terrorism, photos, media, debates, candidates, primaries, elections, Indecision, Indecision 2012

Tags: Republicans, John King, CNN, Internet, Twitter, New Hampshire, debates, candidates, media, primaries, elections, Indecision, Indecision 2012