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06 June 2011

Funny Colbert: Anthony Weiners Emergency Press Conference

From Denny:  The most shocking sex scandal of all political time in America. Yes, Anthony Weiner sent a naughty sex photo of himself to a strange woman. He "mistakenly" put it up on Twitter - oops. Then he said he did not mean to do that.

Weiner said he regularly had sex talk-text conversations via Twitter, email, facebook, phone and probably every other kind of technology known to man. The most shocking news is that he did not ever get to "know" any of these women. He never had sex with anyone.

Now that's shocking news, folks. Who the hell gets into a sex scandal without having sex? And just why do the Republicans expect him to step down from office? Why? What's a sex scandal without the sex? Are they now calling it Tech Sex?

Of course, Colbert's favorite part of the Weiner news conference was when Weiner said he would "now take questions if you have any." Colbert: "OK, I have one. What? Why are you taking questions?"

Colbert mentions "real men" like Republicans Chris Lee, Sen. Ensign, Sen. David Vitter and Sen. Larry Craig who all got the sex instead of an "app." Yes, this entire incident is most astounding.

And I think Weiner must be on steroids 'cause that's the only thing that explains how ripped he is and how excessive is his behavior. Oh, well, stay tuned until the next Big Washington Sex Scandal. Sex scandals are like buses - one will be along any minute after the last one just left.

Monday, June 6, 2011
Anthony Weiner's Emergency Press Conference
Anthony Weiner's sadly delicious sordid saga proves that Democrats don't share Republican values. (05:43)

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