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22 June 2011
Billionaire Koch Brothers Send Attack Lobbyists to Stop Energy Legislation
From Denny: The famous Koch Brothers, who love to meddle in the very same government they claim should not basically exist, are now flexing their financial muscles again. They are demanding legislators lose the proposed energy legislation for natural gas subsidies to help wean America off oil.
Of course, Koch Industries, based out of Kansas, primarily has interests in oil, refining and pipelines as well as chemicals and consumer products like toilet paper (Angel Soft) and paper towels (Brawny). These are the same numb nuts that want to burrow an oil sands pipeline straight up through America to Canada from Houston.
Did I mention they want to dig said crazy pipeline under the only fresh drinking water, an underground glacier, for the entire Midwest population? Oh, and they claim "it's perfectly safe and nothing will go wrong." Uh, huh, and that's what BP told us here in Louisiana about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill clean up.
It's no wonder these two don't want natural gas to cut into their profits when they have so heavily invested in oil and refining. The new energy proposal to promote natural gas is backed by energy billionaire T. Boone Pickens. Remember the guy with the wind turbine TV ads? He's also the same guy that gets those turbines manufactured in China instead of America.
This new proposal by Pickens will provide a federal subsidy for the development of vehicles fueled by natural gas. It's a good idea to develop at least one avenue to get America off the dependence of foreign oil. It doesn't hurt any that Louisiana is the second largest producer of natural gas in America. A new huge find is in Montana the past couple of years that helped absorb thousands of the unemployed in Michigan.
Get a load of these quotes from the Koch Brothers spokesman about why they oppose good legislation:
From Phillip Ellender, head of Koch's Washington and government affairs efforts: "We oppose ethanol subsidies and, indeed, all government mandates and subsidies because they artificially skew economic signals about price and demand, thereby creating inefficiencies that divert resources from productive activities to politically favored ones."
"We do not believe government should be picking 'winners and losers' in the marketplace based on which industries or products it chooses to subsidize. Government has an abysmal record at doing so — both here and abroad. History shows that the free market driven by consumer choice is a far better way to allocate resources accurately."
This free market philosophy so often touted by conservatives of every stripe like the Kochs is just another way of saying, "Give ME all the money!" and "The rest of you will get nothing and like it!"
Last year it was Forbes Magazine that listed this annoying Twosome as two of the nation's fifth-richest who are each worth $21.5 billion. Pickens and the Koch Brothers used to be BFF's but have now split over this new natural gas legislation.
For more on the Koch Brothers and their shenanigans check out what the Lost Angeles Times says:
Hundreds march outside Koch brothers' retreat
Koch brothers now at heart of GOP power
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