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09 June 2011

Aww, Gingrich Campaign Fizzles: Top Aides Quit En Masse

The problem with Newt is he enjoys his own reflection too much.

From Denny: Would we expect any less from Gingrich? The guy can't stay married. The guy can't make a commitment in a campaign he is so busy flip-flopping, trying to figure out if he is a liberal conservative or a conservative hypocritical liberal. You decide.

Well, today a whole wolf pack of his top aides said "Goodbye and Good Riddance!" to the Newt. After all, any political strategist that wants the paychecks to keep rolling in would not bet on Newtie to make it past the first 30 days.

Of course, there is all the usual nice talk claiming this or that. The reality is that this guy is hard to live with and difficult to shut up. Newt is clueless as how to run a campaign or act in a campaign. He keeps harping back to the good ol' days when he could fool people with his lies. The problem is that now those same people are 30 years older and 30 years wiser to his double-dealing tricks.

If you are going to be a lyin' cheatin' skunk you must come up with new ways to do it for the next generation - just to keep up the interest factor, don't you know. It's sort of like the financial derivatives market. Keep the scheme going with a new PR scheme for putting lipstick on the same pig. Guess the Newtie aides ran out of lipstick for their political pig, threw up their hands and stormed out of the campaign offices.

Just which guys left The Newt?  It pretty well looks like they cleaned out the campaign offices with a big broom.

Rob Johnson, campaign manager
his press secretary
top strategists in New Hampshire and South Carolina
six staff members in Iowa and Perdue

From Dave Carney, one of those senior aides who resigned: "The professional team came to the realization that the direction of the campaign they sought and Newt's vision for the campaign were incompatible."

Gee, "do ya think?" The reality is that Newtie wanted to take time off the campaign trail whenever he felt like it. The campaign guys told him he had to actually work at getting elected.

And then there was the thorny issue of whether ol' Newtie could actually raise enough money to pay his staffers on time. Ouch!

Said one of the staffers: "There is a shortage of money. It is a tough day and a tough world out here in the fund raising and political arena."

Yet another amusing reality is that it's high time the Obama Justice Department get serious about investigating ol' Newtie on his use of campaign funds. Don't you find it just a bit curious that once he raised just enough funds he went on a two week vacation with the current wife?

Did he use the campaign funds to fund his vacation?  Where are the WikiLeaks guys when they could make themselves useful for a change?  Somehow, Gingrich did not have enough money to pay his staffers? Hmmmm... sure looks suspicious to me - and so early in the campaign season.

Well, at least Newtie still plans on attending the debate in New Hampshire come Monday. That sure will be imploding entertainment. Stay tuned. The campaign season is just getting as heated up as the scorching summer.

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