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07 May 2011

Funny Video: Colbert Reveals Style Tips From Bin Laden As Glam On The Lam

From Denny: Shaking my head while I'm grinning - what a precocious man child. Only Colbert. What can I say? I'll let him speak for himself...

Colbert on Bin Laden: "He's been found to be living in a mansion. He peaked in 2002 and he's been in trouble with the law ever since. He's basically a fundamentalist Lindsey Lohan."

Acting like a celebrity media gossip show, Colbert takes us inside the Bin Laden compound to hear the latest juicy gossip about how Bin Laden lived his life in luxury: Glam on the Lam. It turns out that "terrorists are just like us!"

It's terribly important for the world to know the compound was full of bulk foods and had a lot of Nestle products. Sweet product placement for Nestle. I bet that CEO is cringing about now. Can you imagine the advertising guys coming up with slogans like "Nestle: loved by terrorists around the world."

More brands to get the coveted Bin Laden Bump are Coke and Pepsi. Colbert: C'mon, Bin Laden, we're in a cola war; pick a side!"

Bin Laden grew vegetables like cabbages and necessary "medicinal" good time plants like marijuana.  And then there are those not yet released death photos of Bin Laden.  The debate goes on...

Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Terrorists: They're Just Like Us!
Reporters reveal all the juicy gossip about Osama bin Laden's lifestyle of glam on the lam.

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