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26 April 2011

Jon Stewart Interviews Egypt Revolution Activist Gigi Ibrahim

From Denny: Stewart dishes out the political satire in a semi-serious interview aimed at exposing how for decades American policy has had little to do with the reality of every day Egyptians.

What is so funny about the experience of this young woman is how she became involved in the Egypt Revolution this past January in Tahrir Square.  She went to a class, "The Social Mobilization Under Authoritarian Regime," at the American University in Cairo.

It was there she learned from a prominent Middle Eastern blogger about the opposition movement that had been ongoing in her own country.  The opposition movement was so underground few people knew how to contact them.  She learned their history and what was happening recently and how to join the protests.

Gigi is also promoting a book called "Tweets From Tahrir" that documents the Twitter activity from the Egyptian protesters during their uprising.

She is quite engaging.  Take a look:

Monday April 25, 2011
Daily Show: Gigi Ibrahim
Gigi Ibrahim helped Egypt rise up against Hosni Mubarak after taking a class at the American University in Cairo.

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