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21 April 2011
Funny 1917 CIA Spy Technology Docs Released: Invisible Writing
CIA Director Leon Panetta
From Denny: Anyone who regularly reads this blog knows I grew up in the CIA. Yes, it was one weird childhood living with such paranoid uptight and often humorless people. Whenever the CIA releases ancient documents molding down in their deep dark spy basement it always gives me a grin.
When I was a kid we spent a lot of time figuring out codes since Dad had been a code breaker in WWII - among other things. One of our other childhood past times was to figure out intriguing ways to pass messages and, yes, write in invisible ink. Even Dad joined in the fun. My mother just shook her head and thought we were all a bunch of looney tunes. Knowing Dad he was probably using his baby geniuses to do his research on the cheap. Who said you can't take your work home with you?
Anyway, it is with great pleasure I present to you Rachel Maddow's cheeky report about Dear Ol' Dad's creepy CIA. This week, The New CIA under Director Leon Panetta - and a lot less creepy, odious and just plain obnoxious - released some 1917 technology for public viewing, er, laughter.
Old technology can make us nostalgic. These documents are hilarious and Rachel Maddow had a field day with it. If you missed her segment, take a look and enjoy. Don't say I didn't warn you that you might end up laughing so hard you roll on the floor, looking so weird that even your dog won't want to know you for the next few days. Consider this funny an early Easter present from me to you.
To check out the actual documents describing how to do invisible writing for yourself:
Secret Writing 1
Secret Writing 2
Secret Writing 3
Secret Writing 4
Secret Writing 5
Secret Writing 6
I just love tripping through interesting and odd databases, don't you? :) These funnies are now housed at The National Archives just waiting for the next generation of laughter. Don't you just love a CIA Director with a cheeky sense of humor?
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