Dishing out spicy liberal social commentary and critical thinking news analysis on America, world politics, the news, fun political humor, cartoons - and a little poetry by Independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon.
Dennys Links
24 April 2011
Dennys Art Sanctuary: Video: Artist Creates Japan Tribute, Sunrise 2011 Project
Dennys Art Sanctuary: Video: Artist Creates Japan Tribute, Sunrise 2011 Project: "From Denny: A Los Angeles Japanese-born artist is raising funds for Japanese earthquake-tsunami relief through the sale of her artwork of a Japanese goddess superimposed upon hundreds of sunrise photos. If you wish to contribute a sunrise photo to this project just email her:
You can also go to her art website where you can purchase a Sunrise 2011 Project T-Shirt. The funds all go to the Red Cross of Japan. This is her site: Drue Kataoka Artist
CNN's Becky Anderson interviews Drue Kataoka about her Sunrise 2011 project in tribute to Japan."