Dennys Links

06 March 2011

Peoples Revolution: Wisconsin Update and Political Cartoons

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is a puppet for th...Puppet for the oligarchy Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker Image by DonkeyHotey via Flickr
From Denny:  The political debate goes on in the cities and the suburbs of Wisconsin. Republicans hate unions, not really understanding if they lose their current wage levels in the public sector the next to lose is everyone else in the private sector - especially those who are not unionized as they will be the first targets. They still believe the hype from the conservatives. Talk about brain washing.

The liberals in different areas of Wisconsin exhibit a strong contrast. They do understand what we all have to lose if America allows Big Business to dictate all terms all the time. Most are in agreement the Wisconsin Democrats only had one option open to them to stop from getting run over by the political puppets of Big Business - take off past the border of the state.

The longer this stalemate goes on the more sympathy the Democrats and the unions and teachers are coming their way.  Currently, support for the Wisconsin governor is quickly eroding from among Independents.  And now, there are at least up to four Republicans willing to cross the line and vote with the Democrats against the governor.  The Wisconsin Senate is 19 Republicans to the 14 Democrats.  A defection of at least two Republicans would be a huge victory.

And the shouting continues... Whew! Democracy is one messy business.

Paul Szep

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Paul Szep

Steve Sack

MIke Thompson

Gary Markstein

Clay Bennett

Nick Anderson

John Sherffius

Walt Handelsman

Gary Markstein

Jeff Stahler


Chip Bok

Chip Bok

Signe Wilkinson

Michael Ramirez

Walt Handelsman

Lisa Benson

Ed Stein

The Republicans:

Clay Bennett

Clay Bennett

Clay Bennett

Jack Ohman

Jack Ohman

Dan Wasserman

Steve Breen

Dan Wasserman

Walt Handelsman

Steve Sack

Steve Sack

Chris Britt


The End Of Wall Street animated video:

Gary Varvel

Jerry Holbert

Walt Handelsman

Jerry Holbert

Michael Ramirez

MIke Thompson

Moderately Confused

Ed Stein

Dana Summers

Dana Summers

Moderately Confused

Jeff Stahler

Clay Bennett

And a few more from our fussing Republican friends.... Defense of Marriage Act:

Rob Rogers

Walt Handelsman

Designer Galliano - more from the Stupid Is As Stupid Does Bigotry Corner:

John Sherffius

More from the Bigot Corner known as False Christians Who Hate:

Nick Anderson

International Womens Day on March 8th:

Bill Day

Jeff Stahler

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