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08 February 2011

Poll: Obama Will Not Win 2012 Reelection

The mood of the American people does not bode well for President Obama if he wants to seek a second term.

From Denny: Less than 46 percent of Americans expect President Obama to make it into a second term. About 51 percent of Americans believe President Obama will lose in his 2012 re-election bid. The new poll from CNN Opinion Research Corporation does not bode well for the president. He must change course now so he can prove his deeds match his soaring rhetoric.

At this point only 26 percent of registered voters plan to vote for him. There are another 23 percent who say they may vote for him in 2012. Another 35 percent refuse to vote for him while another 16 percent say they probably will not vote for him.

Those are some shaky numbers at best. Of course, the strategists keep trying to spin the numbers, giving supposedly historical context. Yeah? Well, America is in an economic Depression with unemployment rates far higher than the massaged numbers reflect or politicians care to admit.

Strategists try to claim that Bill Clinton won his second term back in 1995 when 65 percent of Americans expected him to lose his re-election bid and only 24 percent thought he would win. Well, I was one of those 24 percent. Bill Clinton had a far more healthy economy and a lot less unemployment issues than this president.

The real history is people get fed up with government when they truly need it and it does not deliver as this White House has not - especially to the Gulf Coast region. Obama still has not fixed the BP Claims Fund for those devastated by the BP Oil Spill Disaster.

Currently, the Louisiana governor is asking a federal judge to take over the BP Claims Fund because Feinberg is screwing over every person in need. Feinberg and BP have also demanded that those who accept paltry payments sign away their legal rights and the right to sue BP. How shameful is that? How shameful is it when Obama rubber stamps this bad attitude just to get re-election funds from Big Oil? Do Obama and his team really believe they will be able to do good in the second term when they won't need campaign funds any more? If that is what they think - they are sorely mistaken - because they will be too late for the people in need for years.

Obama's possible Republican competition in 2012:

former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, at 21 percent
former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, 19 percent
former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, 18 percent
former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 10 percent

Among Republicans they believe that Huckabee only has a 13 percent chance of winning the GOP nomination. They think that Romney has a 25 percent chance of winning with Palin following on his heels at 24 percent chance of winning.

Obama - and especially his political team - had better get a move on and start taking care of his base if he wants anyone to show up at the polls in 2012. Two years is very little time to make a bold difference enough to capture the attention of the demoralized public. And this is why you don't sell your soul to become a corporate politician - when you were voted in as - and claimed to be a populist. Time for some serious soul-searching in this White House.

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