Dennys Links

07 February 2011

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Mardi Gras Quotes, Who Dat Rocking Saints Songs

Dennys Funny Quotes: Funny Mardi Gras Quotes, Who Dat Rocking Saints Songs - Congrats go to the Packers who won this year's Super Bowl! Let the partying begin!

Here is last year's winner, the New Orleans Saints. What a huge surprise it was to win the Super Bowl, the first for this beaten down team. Get a grin at the partying in the French Quarter and the different rock songs for the team.

The Packers have their Cheesehead song and the Saints have their Who Dat?! song. For my second language friends: Who Dat = Who is that?

Right after Hurricane Katrina, all in a half a million strong flurry, half of New Orleans moved to my town of Baton Rouge, the state's capital, overwhelming us and our resources. We soon adjusted after a few months and assimilated everyone. They still can't drive. :)

All we heard in the grocery stores and the shopping malls was the "Who dat?" phrase. We soon started calling New Orleans people The Who Dats and the name stuck with New Orleans wearing it like a badge of pride. :) Winning the Super Bowl was just what New Orleans needed to make them feel really good. There is still a lot of celebrating going on - but then that's the New Orleans Who Dat Nation!