Dennys Links

10 February 2011

Breaking News: Egypt Protesters Win, Mubarak Stepping Down!

From Denny:  The crowds in Tahrir Square are electrified. Mubarak is about to speak to the crowd. It is expected he is to announce he will step down immediately, yielding power to his newly created Vice President, that according to CIA Director Leon Panetta too.

Arrangements have been made with the Egyptian Army to temporarily take over to oversee the transition to a newly elected democratic government. Most expect this to be a peaceful transition. This is not a military coup but rather an agreement between the Army and Mubarak. There are others in the West that dread the Muslim Brotherhood and wonder if that organization will try to take control in the euphoria of the moment among the protesters.

Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia is threatening President Obama. Basically, they are taking America hostage economically by doing so. Saudi Arabia says they will prop up Mubarak if Obama demands Mubarak to go in a public way, humiliating him. And these dictatorship style governments in the Middle East wonder why their peoples want to get rid of them? It's all about their egos and "saving face" instead of what is good for the whole country and the benefit of the people.

Congratulations go to the Egyptian protesters who have risked their lives and their freedom to create their democracy.

Update: Cool! Am listed as #3 story (warriorspearl @ NewsVine) behind the big guy media for Egypt! :) Check out the newest video as of 2:04 PM Central Time USA:

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