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12 February 2011

American Political Cartoons - 12 Feb 2011

President George W. Bush and President-elect B...Outgoing Prez Bush with Incoming Prez Obama Image via Wikipedia

From Denny:  What a whirlwind week with the peaceful people's Egypt Revolution finally winning and ousting Mubarak! America was on the periphery. President Obama was clueless as to what to do, constantly changing his position from day to day. Republican think tanks were apoplectic, frothing at the mouth trying to force Obama to their strong man line of leadership, how he was supposed to be in control of Egypt and Mubarak.  Israel, Jordan and other Middle Eastern countries were frantically calling Obama to come out and declare this or that, in other words, lead the situation.

This Egypt Revolution was of the people and no one else for a pleasant change. This was one time my father's precious damned CIA, the Pentagon and the White House were not working feverishly in sync to destabilize and topple a foreign government just to place their favorite puppet in power. When American politicians, military and intelligence finally get their egos out of The Big Picture this world will be a better place. Why does it always have to be about what's good for America? Don't they understand that what is good for that particular country ends up being good for everyone in the end?

Man up, world governments, and learn to respond and adapt to what evolves in any situation. Quite trying to control it and then cover up your mistakes when things go awry. The weak indecision of President Obama actually played in his favor in the Egypt situation. As usual, Obama is late to the party. He isn't a joiner. He isn't a people person. He isn't a leader. He's a professor who should have stayed in the classroom that he could control. Real leadership is messy because life is messy. America is a democracy, not an autocracy, contrary to what the Republicans and this White House want to create for their convenience and ease of operation.

By doing nothing Obama looked like he was not interfering in Egypt, therefore not creating a backlash onto America as the Republicans would have slammed our way.  It could have escalated into a bigger mess with Middle East anger directed at America for all the past mistakes of previous presidencies. Obama gets a gold star in my book any way.  Sometimes, it is better to stay out of the game.

George Bush weird:

Steve Benson

Dan Wasserman

Mike Luckovich

Ronald Reagan - celebration of his 100th birthday if he were alive here to celebrate it:

Steve Benson

Signe Wilkinson

Rob Rogers

Henry Payne

Glenn Beck weird:

Clay Bennett

Tea Party weird:

Steve Sack

Chan Lowe

Drew Sheneman

The Republican congressman who resigned after being found out he was soliciting women on Craigslist:

Jack Ohman

Obama weird - the only person who believes Obama no longer smokes is his wife. This administration has a history of blowing smoke up the people's skirt. When are they going to get serious about doing right - and for the right reasons - instead of delivering The Minimum Acceptable philosophy?

Mike Luckovich

The Smoker's Corner at the White House:

Jack Ohman

Steve Kelley

Anti-obesity movement in America championed by the First Lady Michelle Obama

Jeff Stahler

Chris Britt

Walt Handelsman

Walt Handelsman

Dana Summers

Poor, Christina, all she did was flub a voice only version of the national anthem at the Super Bowl and the Republican wing nuts jumped on it claiming she was not patriotic enough for them - geeesh! And my question to them is this, "But do you even know the second verse of the national anthem???"

Jeff Stahler

Steve Kelley

OK, this isn't about politics - or is it? - but sure goes to the mindset of a down economy:

Steve Sack

Jerry Holbert

Jeff Stahler

Dana Summers

Lisa Benson

Bruce Beattie

Chan Lowe

Clay Bennett

Chris Britt

Chip Bok

Bill Day


Nick Anderson

Jerry Holbert

Steve Benson

Huffington Post: Huge Congrats to Ariana, an immigrant, a woman, who made it big in America - to the tune of $315 million, selling her online newspaper to AOL.  The unpaid bloggers need to quit whining.  They could run their same numbers they did on Huff Post had they bothered to do their own blogs and their own marketing just like I have on all my blogs.  They were fortunate Huff Post gave them such a venue when no one else would in the media biz. What a bunch of cry babies.  They hitch hiked off Huff's hard work and should be glad for the good ride.  What ever happened to gratitude in this country?

Chip Bok

Matt Davies

Steve Breen

OK, this isn't about politics either - buy hey! Congrats to the Packers for their Super Bowl win!!!!

Don Wright

Dana Summers

Dana Summers

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers

Dana Summers

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