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01 October 2010

Funny Video: Stewart Finds Obama Kryptonite

President Obama held a town hall meeting that centered around the economy and Wall Street. Middle class voters and staunch supporters blasted the President with their frustration of him, his policies, his slow response to the economy and excesses of Wall Street.

One African-American woman, a CFO at a veteran's organization, frankly said, "I'm exhausted of defending you." Talk about zapping the President's strength. She was a veritable "Obama zapping machine." "A black, lady, financial analyst veteran?" Stewart said in disbelief. "We have found Obama's Kryptonite."

And there was the so-called former college friend, who works on Wall Street, got up and whined for Wall Street about how they are not treated fairly. You have got to be kidding me. What nerve!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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*** Return to main post for more laughs from funny video clips:

Friday Lite: Roundup of Late Night Jokes and Videos - 1 Oct 2010

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