Negative campaign ads were never so much fun to lampoon as cartoonists are enjoying this political season.
From Denny: The midterm election season as been as bizarre - and as entertaining at times - as Halloween! The worst and the nastiest negative campaign ads come from the Republican side of the aisle. The Democrats have dished out some of the negative spice of their own as well.
Unfortunately, negative ads are what get voters out to the polls and that's a fact. While we all complain about the idiot ads, without them most people would never get engaged enough - or enraged enough - to propell themselves out the door and into the voting booth.
So, do like me. Mute the ads when they come on and go to the polls every time a voting booth appears no matter how many times a year you end up voting. Otherwise, you can get stuck with 30 year $1 billion bond issues like they tried to pass here in Louisiana a few months ago in an off year election year. Yeah, the local Louisiana state and parish governments are that obnoxious here. Louisiana state politicians are not known for wise government spending around here and the last thing I want to do is give them a $1 billion to spend while taxing me for another 30 years.
At the end of those 30 years this local government will come up with yet another excuse for cost overruns and why they need to continue stuffing the back pockets of greedy Republican businessmen to keep the boondoggle going. (BTW, that particular bond issue has been defeated twice now and they still keep putting it on ballots when they know the majority of people don't vote - especially when Democrats don't come out to the polls.)
Vote your opinion and let the politicians hear your voice come this Tuesday, November 2nd! Read that as "Pay those jerks back for all those negative campaign ads you had to endure this campaign season." :)
The cheeky "Rally to Restore Sanity And/Or Fear' on 30 Oct at the Washington Mall - from comics Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert:
Speaking of insanity - more from the idiot Wikileaks juveniles who live in glass houses while they throw stones at others:
Juan Williams firing from NPR for expressing his worries when he gets on a plane and sees a Muslim. He landed at Fox News with a huge bump in salary - up to $2 million:
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