Dennys Links

26 September 2010

White House Staff Shakeup: Who Stays, Who Goes

Choices narrowing down as who leaves or who stays on the White House staff.

From Denny: President Obama's Closed Inner Circle Model is really not serving the President well at all. Sometimes, you just have to bring in outside people who were not part of the original campaign that got you into the White House. Within the first six months it is evident which staff members do not transition well from campaign mode to governing mode. With this White House the President has taken far too long - two years - to consider the obvious changes.

The one most in need of leaving and returning to the campaign trail is David Axelrod. He just can't get his head into the governing game, putting off needed legislation and actions that should have been started by the time the President when he first took office. Most notably, Axelrod never took it seriously the economic condition of the country and how  necessary it was for the government to respond faster.

Axelrod is said to be leaving his senior advisor role "sometime in the Spring." Are you kidding? This guy has been destructive to the progressive-liberal agenda in favor of placating corporate  money.  He is also slower than molasses in everything he does.  It's how he rolls - or doesn't roll.

What he should be doing to prepare for the President's re-election campaign is to leave now. He has no time to lose, given the mood of the country. To get him into campaign mindset he should go back to Chicago and help Rahm Emanuel get elected to mayor. Then it will be the holiday season and before you know it, then the New Year is upon us. There is a lot to organize for such a massive campaign.  He has been out of the campaign harness for two years now.

Axelrod has no sense of urgency and it is precisely that cavalier attitude that hurts him - and especially those around him. Send him on his way, Mr. President so he can get into gear and be on time for your re-election campaign. Follow your instincts and don't allow Axelrod to yet again "spin" you.

As to former Senator Daschle as the top pick for a permanent Chief of Staff: get him.  The Republicans may grouse a bit but they will get over it.  In comparison they will much prefer Daschle's smooth style to Rahm's abrasive style - and so will the progressive and liberal wings of the Democratic Party.

As to Press Secretary, perhaps Gibbs will be happier as a senior advisor - but he will have to watch his temper in public.  Working with Daschle could teach him the studied finesse he needs to be more effective - especially in the area of  "thinking on his feet."  No easy task and it takes time to hone that skill but Gibbs is up to the task.

And while you are at it, get a lot more women on your team.  A sprinkling just doesn't get it.  Also, quit backing down like you did on Elizabeth Warren when Wall Street squawked.  They are a selfish greedy bunch who do not have the country's best interest - or yours. "Can you hear me now?" :)

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