The threatened burning of 200 Korans took center stage this week over the Middle East Peace process with the public and the cartoonists.
From Denny: The President continues to take criticism for doing the right thing - trying to broker a Middle East Peace solution of some kind between Israel and Palestine. You just can't ignore this Middle Eastern tinderbox like George Bush did. It's important to do something, no matter how small to advance a temporary solution. A little progress is preferable to full scale war and bloodshed.
It's amazing how the Republicans - who fancy themselves as such great foreign policy advisers - have fallen down on the job with this thorny issue. All they do is harp against the President and step on his face as he tries to do some serious diplomatic work. But that's the point, now isn't it? The Republicans are so crazed to get back in power they don't care how they risk the lives of Americans traveling overseas or the American troops in the Middle East. Selfish is as selfish does when it comes to winner take all politics.
So, the Republicans - and their propaganda arm Fox News - took another tack and decided to stir up the Religious Right like the no name Florida pastor who thought he was tough on Islamic terrorists by announcing he was going to burn 200 Koran books. What an idiot. His church bears the emblem of the Holy Spirit and the Peace Dove and yet this guy is out there promoting violence, in complete disobedience and rebellion against the teachings of the very Jesus Christ he claims to follow. What a fool.
Meanwhile, the troops overseas are horrified at what he has done. It took the Secretary of Defense Gates to call a Florida imam to help lower the political and religious temperature with this crazed excuse for a Christian pastor. Hundreds of Christians pastors called this guy to ask him to stand down and he refused. It took the local fire ordinances and federal hate crime laws to shut down the stupidity - or that's how it appears on the surface.
The reality of how these situations play out is that the FBI receives credible evidence of real death threats against this pastor and his family - if he still carries out his threat to burn the Korans. My guess is that the FBI did receive numerous letters detailing where the pastor, his family and closest friends and church members live, their full names and addresses and the like. Detailed information like that cannot be denied.
This pastor didn't care how many other people he put at risk for getting killed until it came home to roost up close and personal. My guess is the wife and family told him to back off this lunatic Koran burning party or they were going to be the ones killing him. It's real easy to threaten to harm others - until the backlash of bad karma comes back to threaten a new reality.
What a way to honor the nine year anniversary of 9/11...
Obama and Middle East Peace initiative:
Iraq War:
Phony Christian pastor threatening to burn the Muslim Holy Book the Koran:
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