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05 August 2010

Is The Oil Spill Really Gone in the Gulf, More Smoke And Mirrors From BP?

*** More bizarre reports from the BP and government corners trying to end the politics about the Gulf oil spill, when all they did was stir up a hornet's nest of criticism and anger.

White House tone deaf to the Gulf residents and Dems political survival

From Denny: Apparently, I'm not the only one who sees politics as the driving force behind the Gulf oil spill pie charts. The political guys at the White House - yet again - have made a really bad call, both on timing and substance. When tone deaf news reports like this barf out of the White House it always has Axelrod's fingerprints on it. What does the President see in this guy?

Oil spill report is bad science and just political posturing

On to the oil spill report trumpeting how there is hardly any oil left in the Gulf. This report is based on speculation "modeling and extrapolation and very generous assumptions" and that cannot be tested. People that ain't science; it's politics. How insensitive can this White House be to the Gulf residents?

BP Claims Fund still empty and not paying Gulf residents

Feinberg still doesn't have a choke hold on BP, screaming "Show me the damn money!" to fill the coffers of the Claims Fund. The White House still refuses to give a date as to when the Gulf residents can expect their long awaited reimbursements. Yet, suddenly, the White House has this neatly pie-charted report all ready to go as soon as BP yells out of the bedroom how they have achieved static kill orgasm, "The cement is down the pipe!" And Axelrod declares, "OK, release the document hounds and let's put this environmental disaster to bed before the November elections."

Plight of Louisiana's seafood industry

Is he really that bonehead stupid to think the people of Louisiana and the Gulf coast are going to forget about this shabby treatment? Putting out a report to declare all is well in the Gulf is fantasy thinking. The fishing industry here is decimated and so is tourism as it relied heavily upon the Louisiana slogan of the state as "The Sportsman's Paradise" - a lot of deep sea fishing.

The seafood fished here are mostly bottom and filter feeders like shrimp, crabs and oysters. Who is going to dine on this seafood that is ingesting the tar balls lying on the bottom of the ocean? So what if they are dispersed smaller tar balls? Tar balls are tar balls. Toxic is toxic. You can't change that reality no matter how many cute reports you feed to the media.

Obama should be winning hearts and minds in Republican country instead of angering them

This disaster was Prez Obama's prime time to win some hearts and minds back into voting for Democrats in this Republican territory. Instead, all he's done is piss them off to the maximum with these delaying tactics and trust in BP's consistent outrageous lying. Why doesn't the President start yanking BP federal contracts to start getting things done on all these matters? Money talks and all the rest of the bullshit walks.

From the science community criticizing this report:

"This is a shaky report. The more I read it, the less satisfied I am with the thoroughness of the presentation," Florida State University oceanographer Ian MacDonald told The Associated Press. "There are sweeping assumptions here."

"A lot of this is based on modeling and extrapolation and very generous assumptions,” said Samantha Joye, a marine scientist at the University of Georgia who has led some of the most important research on the Deepwater Horizon spill. “If an academic scientist put something like this out there, it would get torpedoed into a billion pieces."

Gulf oil spill not 'gone' -- close to half may still lurk in Gulf

A White House adviser said Wednesday that the 'vast majority' of the Gulf oil spill is gone. But a summary of the report she cited leaves some questions unanswered.

Gulf oil spill biggest ever, could cost BP $21 billion in fines

A new estimate suggests that the Gulf oil spill blowout gushed 4.9 million barrels of oil before BP capped it, making it the largest accidental oil spill in history.

Oil Spill Calculations Stir Debate on Damage - The Obama administration’s latest report on the Gulf of Mexico disaster set off a war of words Wednesday among scientists, Gulf Coast residents and political pundits about what to make of the Deepwater Horizon spill and its aftermath.

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