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16 August 2010

Funny Video: Newt Gingrich Mocked by Colbert For Lack of Morals

*** Check out Colbert as he mocks the amoral Gingrich trying to make a political comeback for President.

From Denny: We all know that stinkin' thinkin' Newtie Gingrich is trying to run for President in 2012 - so he got a head start this year. That's why he keeps trying to grab headlines with ridiculous and outrageous - also contradictory - statements.

Like it wasn't enough to be rid of this guy when he had to resign in disgrace as a former House Speaker. He was so mad he could not dislodge first Bill Clinton and then Al Gore from the White House. Back then Newtie announced his plans of how to assume the presidency as Speaker of the House and avoid getting elected: impeach the President and Vice President. The funny thing is that after he succeeded in dragging the country through the mud to impeach Clinton, well, Clinton refused to leave the White House and it was Newtie who had to go.

Newtie is back to provide comic relief to all the late night comics and bloggers like me who enjoy holding him up as such a great example of moral leadership. OK, we really like to mock the old hypocrite. Hey, everyone needs a sport, right?! :)

So, this week Colbert chimed in with his thoughts about Newtie's moral compass problems. The story in Esquire Magazine from Newtie's last wife provided some interesting back story to entertain America about a possible Presidential candidate who never could pass The Smell Test.

Gingrich is well known for his relationship failings and running stupid after wife after wife, even before he has divorced the previous one. The guy is seriously insecure, obnoxious and cruel. Like Colbert said, "Newt Gingrich is so pro-marriage, he can't stop doing it."

Newtie defends his roaming hypocrisy and moral failings, "There's no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn't matter what I live," which Colbert interpreted as "Do as I say, Not who I do."

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Moral Compass 5000 Action Center
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionFox News

*** For more laughs check out this post:

Roundup of Late Night Funnies - 16 Aug 2010 - Check out this week's funny late night jokes and latest cartoons lampooning politics to American culture, with a funny side dish of funny video clips thrown in to keep you grinning.

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