*** Check out what the cartoonists think this week about the smoke and mirrors going on in politics and the Afghan and Iraq Wars.
Do you ever wonder about all the misdirection going on in The Middle East - to the tune of 95 percent of our money spent on these two wars cannot be accounted for?
Afghan and Iraq Wars:
Those 3,600 misplaced soldiers graves in Arlington Cemetary:
Angry voters and the economy:
Some people still not happy with the health care legislation. The state of Maryland is reporting the new health care law has cut their costs in half to the tune of $869 million. Not too shabby. This is a good start. The President still should put in a public option in order to bring the high profit margins of the health insurance industry to heel.
Islam wants to build a mosque right next to the now sacred ground in New York City where Islamic terrorists killed thousands of people by ramming two airplanes into the Twin Towers. The families of victims are furious at the insensitivity. And, of course, as an outsider with no dog in this hunt is this question: Why build there and insult so many thousands of people when they could accomplish their goal of peace and religious tolerance by building farther away from Ground Zero? Freedom of location is not exactly the same as freedom of religion.
And on the other side of opinion:
Well, at least someone is happy in America:
Arizona's immigration law and immigration opinions:
Republicans are trying to change the interpretation - that those born on American soil are Americans, even if their parents are illegal immigrants:
And remember the Word of the Day:
*** And for more fun from the cartoonists this week check out:
Hunh?! Just Plain Bizarre Funny Cartoons - 7 Aug 2010
Gay Marriage and Society Cartoons - 7 Aug 2010
Ethics Investigations in Congress Cartoons - 7 Aug 2010
BP Oil Spill and WikiLeaks Spill Cartoons - 7 Aug 2010
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