Dennys Links

04 June 2010

Water of Life poem - Libations Friday 4 June 2010

*** Have you ever wondered the messages Nature speaks to us every day, happening every minute all around us? Great Nature photos.

Water of Life

I look up to see a white egret flying softly high overhead,
Playing, lazy, on the laughing air currents in conversation.
In the bare beginning, the morning air dances lightly.
Swooning breezes appear for me to remember, then, forget.
We are waiting for the sun.

Red-tinged blackbirds jump on the green swaying willow tree,
Screeching a two note hearty hello, lifting its wings wide to sing.
Smoky mist hangs on the water’s surface, stepping, drifting along
In creeping hordes like short silent ghosts.

A white egret dives and swoops in gracefully,
Gliding with quiet stretched white wings to fish.
A blue heron beats the air heavily with huge wings,
Coming in for a landing like a frightening dinosaur.

I sip my warm welcoming coffee ever so slowly as I watch,
Drinking in the early hour sights as the water of Life moves.
In the sky the sunrise peeks pink through dark blue clouds
When, suddenly, a strange sight: a flock of eight egrets.

Eight egrets, not the solitary solo of norm, flying East.
Eight egrets, all pristine perfect, soft billowy white
Drew my gaze to look up and wonder long the message.
Every day all around us, Creation delivers new awareness.

Mythical bearers of change, spiritual messengers: egrets and herons.
Eight is the number of new beginnings flying overhead today.
Arriving now comes change, change in our lives, change.
This omen of unusual eight means it’s all good.

I smile, and, look up in thanks.

Denny Lyon
Copyright 3 June 2010
All Rights Reserved

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Photo Credits

Flying high egret by mikebaird @ flickr

Screeching red-winged blackbird by ingridtaylar @ flickr

Heron in pink waters by h.koppdelaney @ flickr

Herons and sunrise by Bloody Nick @ flickr

Closeup of heron by Lida Rose @ flickr

New Orleans, Louisiana, Lake Pontchartrain sunrise by JACoulter @ flickr

Flock of egrets at sunrise by Bashed @ flickr

Mythical egret by alicepopkorn @ flickr