Dennys Links

08 June 2010

Funny Videos: Stewart and Colbert Lampoon Reporter Helen Thomas

*** When a reporter like Helen Thomas becomes the news it's quite a mess. Leave it to the comics to lampoon the situation.

The giraffe looks over Helen's shoulder and says, "Bye bye, ol' girl, be seeing ya!"

From Denny: Poor Helen Thomas. She had a really bad senior moment this week and had to retire as a result of anti-Jew remarks. Or should I say pro-Palestinian remarks. When you look at the film clip she actually looks kind of spacey in the eyes and like she can't really hear what all was said. She looks like she bluffed her way through the exchange because she really didn't catch the full gist of the conversation. She might have been referring to when Israel was not a formalized country, like pre-1948. Frankly, she rambled and didn't make much sense, throwing out broken sentences.

She's a very old lady and obviously blew it. She can't keep up any more and she was past time to retire. She could probably still write in print as long as she has a minder-editor to strike out any gaffes. Anyway, Jon had fun lampooning her outrageous comments.

Jon Stewart takes on Helen Thomas' idiot anti-Jew remarks. He has fun lampooning the South Carolina race with all the crazy sex scandals, like a gay guy claiming he had sex with Haley, the female Republican candidate. What a funny respite from the harsh news of late! :)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Thank You, South Carolina - The Race to Replace Disgrace
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

And funny Colbert back in 2006 with a short segment called "Night of the Helen Thomas":

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Daily/Colbert - Night of the Helen Thomas
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

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