Dennys Links

08 May 2010

Oil Spill Disaster Cartoons - Whats Happening This Week in America - 8 May 2010

Photo by I'm Fantastic @ flickr

From Denny: Living here in Louisiana while the problem-solving goes on to stop the uncontrollable oil gusher creating an ever-growing oil slick out in the Gulf of Mexico sure is surreal. The drama has been playing out for almost three weeks now. During that time Louisiana folks have flocked to their seafood restaurants to dine on the last of their beloved dishes because we all figure there isn't going to be any more for years to come.

The Louisiana seafood industry used to catch 20% of America's harvest but it now looks like our fishermen are going the way of the Alaskan fishermen since the Exxon Valdez oil spill: into bankruptcy and virtual poverty. The waters are so polluted they can no longer make a living on commercial fishing.

The Gulf Coast economy has already been impacted beyond commercial fishing. Florida has lost one third of its hotel room bookings since the oil spill. Who wants to vacation on a polluted beach with rotting carcasses of wildlife?

In Louisiana, boat captains no longer hear the phone ring for reservations to go out deep sea fishing so that livelihood is done for perhaps years to come. As it is, no one knows to what extent the American economy will be affected by this unfolding drama.

Today BP announced failure at trying to contain and pump out the oil because of ice crystals interfering with the effort. It was a long shot but at least they tried. After all, they were drilling three miles down into the ocean bed for this oil. It's a massive project and maybe, just maybe, this environmental disaster has finally humbled the arrogant men of the oil industry. Time will tell.

Any way you look at it Louisiana people are now forced to change their thinking and adjust, developing a new economy. Perhaps they will move farther inland and create more freshwater fish farms and crawfish ponds to meet the seafood demand. Typical of Louisiana the chefs will create new and tasty ways to cook whatever moves and can be called food! :)

Has anyone noticed how suddenly very quiet normally noisy Sarah Palin is since this oil spill environmental disaster?

*** ALSO today for political cartoons opinion of the latest news:

The Great American Immigration Debate: Political Cartoons - 8 May 2010

Times Square Terrorist Bomber: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

Greek Debt Crisis 4 The World: Political Cartoons 8 May 2010

Funny Wall Street Cartoons - 8 May 2010

Funny Love-Hate Relationships of Fox News, Republicans, Tea Party, Airlines and Obama Cartoons - 8 May 2010

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