Dennys Links

23 March 2010

Senate Parliamentarian Rules Against GOP to Stop Passed Health Care

From Denny: This was to be expected from the Party of No Conscience. Their latest dirty dealing from the army of lobbyist lawyers was to try and find some arcane detail to call the health bill null and void "as Social Security might be affected and Social Security is not allowed to be addressed with reconciliation." Find out the latest GOP efforts to derail the health care bill that was passed by the House Sunday. By the time the public gets through with all this health care media coverage all of us will be well versed in our national law governing the House and Senate. Pass law school and go directly into your law practice. :)

Keith Olbermann rips these guys to shreds, shining a light onto the true perspective and reality of their silly efforts.

Obama Makes History with Health Care Reform

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Now what can we expect from this new health care bill? How long will it take for new changes to reach the public? How much will change?

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Hate speech directed at House members by other House members and protestors. What is this? A 1960 retread of running the gauntlet?

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ALSO: For more stories and details, please visit Dennys Global Politics - Sweeping Health Care Reform Signed into Law Today, Headlines 23 Mar 2010

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