From Denny: First up for this week's commentary cartoons is the subject of health care.
Moving right along to swine flu season:
A couple of words about the state of health of most Americans:
This week should have been named NumbSkull week as there was quite a rash of stupid going on in America - NumbSkull #1 at Acorn:
NumbSkull #2 called TV host David Letterman who outted himself for having multiple affairs with staffers while married because he was too cheap to pay off the extortionist:
NumbSkull #3 with her best-seller book she didn't write:
NumbSkull #4, the supposed leader, who is useless with this Afghan War:
NumbSkull #5, I don't know who is worse, Polanski or the idiots who support him:
Those annoying guys in Wall Street:
The reason those guys on Wall Street are so annoying:
The plague of American society:
Ah, the emotional maturity of the crazed American football fan:
Thanks for visiting! And hey! If it's America, politics and there are still cartoonists alive to lampoon it all, stay tuned!