Dishing out spicy liberal social commentary and critical thinking news analysis on America, world politics, the news, fun political humor, cartoons - and a little poetry by Independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon.
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19 October 2009
Roundup of Sunday Funnies: Hillary's Stressed, Obama Dances
From Denny: OK, let the late night show guys rip away! Faithfully as obnoxious as ever... :)
The Jay Leno Show
Jay Leno: A new study shows that the phrase most often used by President Obama is "let me be clear." The phrase he uses the least often, "let me be specific."
The Jay Leno Show
Jay Leno: The International Atomic Energy Agency is going to get their first look at the other nuclear facility in Iran. Hopefully they'll get to the real story on Iran's nuclear capabilities. You know, we can't even get the real story on the balloon boy.
The Late Late Show
Craig Ferguson: Did you hear the Chicago Cubs filed for bankruptcy? They're from Chicago and spent millions they didn't have? I smell a Nobel Peace Prize.
Ziggy epitomizes how the average American feels in this economy...
The Tonight Show
Conan O'Brien: I think the pressure of this job is starting to get to Hillary Clinton. I really do. Take a look ("Nightline" video shown):
ABC reporter Cynthia McFadden: How much time do you actually spend with the president?
Clinton: (stares blankly)
McFadden: Four or five times a week?
Clinton: (stares blankly)
McFadden: Do you know what you think the right strategy for America is?
Clinton: (laughs uncontrollably)
*** Thanks for visiting, everyone, and have a great work week!
Also at Dennys Funny Quotes: 42 Monday Morning Funny Coffee Quotes, Coffee Cartoon