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26 October 2009

Roundup of Sunday Funnies 26 Oct 2009 - Balloon Troubles, Obama Takes on Fox, Why Fox News Isnt Really News

From Denny: The latest from the late night comedy show guys...

The Jay Leno Show

Jay Leno:
President Obama today agreed to commit an additional 40,000 troops to help fight Fox News.

From Denny: This gives new meaning to the phrase "civil war." This video is really good as Maddow gives a clear cut definition of real news, even with personal comment, and what is political propaganda. Amazing how many people in America really do not understand the difference or are aware of just how much they are being manipulated into weak mind mush through the triggering of emotions to the level of jacked up, hiked up outrageous levels.

And direct from the whackos weirdo mouths, this is quite a collection of quick clips with the same diatribe:

The Colbert Report

Stephen Colbert:
The congressional newspaper The Hill reports that to help pass legislation special interest groups are praying about issues like health care legislation. Which is fitting, since prayer is many Americans' current health care plan.

The Jay Leno Show

Jay Leno:
[President Obama] is such an inspiring speaker. He gets people to do things.

Obama: It is an honor just being here with all of you today. [Jay knocks over can of soda, and it spills on floor] Why don't you grab a mop? Why don't you help clean up? [Shows Jay mopping] That's a Socialist mop. [Jay backs away from mop.]

Jimmy Kimmel Live

Jimmy Kimmel:
Richard Heene, the father, his helium tanks were repossessed.

Announcer: Looking frazzled, Heene surfaced from his home while two men reclaimed helium tanks from the family's truck. [Two workers speak in high-pitched helium voices.] Everything went fine when we went to pick up the helium tanks, I mean, they didn't give us no kind of trouble at all.

Jimmy Kimmel Live

Jimmy Kimmel:
Harry Reid sent up a trial balloon for a proposal that would allow the government to offer health care alongside private insurers. There turned out to be a kid in that trial balloon.

*** For more fun today, visit Dennys Funny Quotes - Video: Wealthcare for Billionaires Farce Musical Interrupts Insurance Industry Conference

*** Thanks for visiting, everyone, and have a great work week!