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28 August 2009

3 Videos: Public Turns Out for Ted Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Jr. and the Public Comment

From Denny: Robert Kennedy, Jr. talks about the expression of public sentiment today and his uncle Ted's relationship with the public over the years. Thousands of mourners came out for the 70 mile ride of the hearse yesterday from his home in Hiannisport to Boston; they lined the route to the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library as he passed by.

It was like viewing the news footage from when Presidents Roosevelt and Kennedy died and how the public turned out for them. Ted Kennedy was "in office" far longer than any President could be and was able to do much more for people - and so he did. He viewed politics as a life of service.

It was amazing how many people took so much time to write in the guest books, many of them whole pages of comments. The lines were long as people in this part of the country felt a personal connection to the Senator because he did so much for everyone from every walk of life.

Ted Kennedy reached far into the everyday lives of these working class people who knew him personally. Listen to their stories of interacting with him.

Breaking News, politics, President John F. Kennedy, Senator Ted Kennedy