Dishing out spicy liberal social commentary and critical thinking news analysis on America, world politics, the news, fun political humor, cartoons - and a little poetry by Independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon.
Dennys Links
21 June 2009
Thank you for your support!
"Home is where the heart is" montage by alicepopkorn @ flickr - this is such a cool photo and she is one of my fav photographers, such an imagination - as if she is creating her photos in concert with my writing simultaneously, that soul collective thing going on. Her new photos suddenly appear right when I need them, cool, huh?! The God within us is always in tune with itself and all we have to do is hitch a ride! :)
From Denny: Just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for subscribing to the feed on this blog and all the others - and following on Blogger and other sites. You are much appreciated!
Blogging is so much more fun when you have company and such good company you all are, thanks! Thank you for your support and hope you are enjoying your time here learning right along with me as I find amazing things for all these blogs!