Dennys Links

16 June 2009

Save Lives in Iran: Blog About Their Situation

Photo by .faramarz @ flickr

From Denny: Save lives in Iran! It's important to keep up the international pressure. Keep the glaring public spotlight on these despicable leaders in Iran. If we don't blog about this people will die: the opposition leader and his main supporters. It's only a matter of time before they are imprisoned or worse.

As fellow bloggers you can get the word out since the mainstream media no longer can. Make your words count and you can save lives. As an American I've lived in third world countries with cavalier governments like this. I know how quickly what you think is your life can turn on a dime.

Write posts about the current situation in Iran. Already, with media pressure, there has been some movement by the government. If nothing else, their insincere public words of promised limited election investigation, are a sign they have stalled at killing the opposition leader - for now.

Get out there in the blogosphere and live out loud! The people of Iran need us to speak out for them since our international media got kicked out of the country. The government has begun its lockdown mindset. Bloggers have succeeded before; we can succeed now!

Feel free to go to the article link reposted below, quote it or this post, put the article or this post up on social sites. Put a fire under fellow bloggers to shout out to help protect lives in Iran!

Let me know when you make a post for change in Iran and I'll put it up here in a links box on the sidebar as well as support you on social sites. We have to do something and writing is what we do. Opinions count; make your voice heard around the world!

Thanks for visiting! Getting off my soapbox for now... :)

Update: BTW, here's Change_for_Iran @ Twitter, written in English, with over 21,000 followers. Twitter was asked by the U.S. gov't not to go down for maintenance as the Iranis are using Twitter to communicate among themselves. This Twitter stream reads like a the military out in the field coordinating efforts! Wow!

Dishonor: Cheated Election Results in Iran: "The current Iranian leaders of Ahmadinejad, the harsh petty clerics and this fearful politically foolish Supreme Leader all have deluded themselves into the belief they can squash dissent and control the populace. Good luck; it will never succeed.

When the will of the people is so cruelly oppressed for decades like in Iran then it will develop a more violent outlet. If Iran continues on this North Korean style track of cavalier “leadership” they will find themselves looking down the barrel of an assassin’s gun. It will be a homegrown domestic terrorist hell bent on freeing their country of tyranny."

By Denny Lyon @ HubPages

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