Dennys Links

18 June 2009

The Latest on the Iran Protests

Iran Esfahan _DSC7416Image by youngrobv (Rob & Ale) via Flickr

From Denny: Here's a great link to a story over at CNN about understanding the scope of the protests in Iran with a question and answer format discussing the political history that led up to today's present unrest - definitely 30 years in the making.

Iran 101: Understanding the Unrest

Iran's unrest has sparked global protests. Here's CNN's photo gallery link. (Two of the photos are graphic - just so you know...
Photos #8 and #11 depict bleeding people wounded by the police crackdown. #8 shows a man's face covered in blood - a bit sickening. #11 is a man's elbow bleeding. Other than that the photos depict the huge rallies.) I like the photo that shows a protestor holding up the sign, "Where's my vote?"

Here's a cool CNN video about how Moussavi's wife has emerged as Iran's version of our Michele Obama. Women are increasingly at the forefront involved in the protests. Toward the end of the video is where Ahmadinajed lies (again, what a surprise...) to Moussavi about Moussavi's wife's credentials to teach. The look on Moussavi's face says he'd like to rip the guy's face off but can't in that government repressive atmosphere if he wants to stay alive and fight another day. Take a look!

If video does not show (as it did not in the preview for posting, here's the link:

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