Dennys Links

09 June 2009

12 Thought Provoking Quotes Posts

Quotes Inspire graphic photo by Denny Lyon. You are free to use this photo - with attribution and a link back to The Social Poets!

From Denny: It's odd how when you go back through your posts you see a theme develop over time. So, I culled some posts from my quotes blog about really interesting quotes I found so good they elicited commentary and various musings!

There really is something cool going on as you are led through the readings, very meditative and thought-provoking. Sure made me think deep; maybe it will benefit you as well!

Do You Regularly Reconsider What You Believe to be True?

What Possesses and Controls You?

What is the Best Way to Travel Toward Happiness?

How Do You Realistically Get Happiness?

How Does Unhappiness Happen? One Answer.

Helen Keller's Take on Definition of Happiness

Where is Your Path of Happiness Traveling?

Why Would Anyone Consider Happiness a Duty?

How is Happiness Easily Acquired?

Happiness Described by the Dalai Lama

Happiness Can Be Funny!

3 Key Ingredients to Achieving Happiness?

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