Dennys Links

03 April 2009

Libations Friday! 3 April 2009

Flaming coffee 1Image by ahisgett via Flickr

From Denny: OK, I am seriously on a happy high! Just found the coolest group of videos to demonstrate how to make Spanish Coffee from a resort in Cancun. Of course, the server is phenomenal in his presentation – or should I say - magic act. We are left wondering if there was a fire extinguisher off camera…

First the recipe from by Marketman.

Spanish Coffee (also called Mayan or Flaming Coffee)


A shot of Rum

A shot of Brandy


A dash of cinnamon and nutmeg


Heavy cream

Tablespoon of Kahlua

Lime wedge

Whole orange for pouring Brandy

Directions from Marketman: Some preparation is necessary. An un-ripened orange is peeled in a corkscrew fashion. Glass mugs are used for the coffee, and prepared by being dipped first in lime wedges, and then in sugar, to coat the rims. An ounce of Rum is added to each mug.

An ounce of Brandy is added to each glass next, but not without a show. The Brandy is added to one of two stainless-steel pouring containers. The Brandy is then lit on fire. The flaming alcohol is poured back and forth several times, and then distributed in equal amounts to each of the coffee mugs. The other half of the flaming Brandy is saved for later. A mixture of cinnamon and nutmeg are then shaken into each container, which causes sparks to fly from the still-flaming brandy. Coffee is then poured into each mug, which should extinguish the flames. A spoonful of heavy cream is then added to each container.

The remaining Brandy goes on last, but not without another fiery show. The remaining flaming Brandy is now poured down and around the corkscrew of the orange that was peeled in the first stage. Cut-up lime wedges are then placed on each serving plate.

The mugs are then placed on the serving plates with the lime wedges. A flaming tablespoon of Kahlua is set on top of each drink. Finally, the lime wedge is squeezed onto the flame just before serving, aggravating and then extinguishing the final flame just before consumption.

Now for the videos at – these guys are really something!

Note: I had to load today's post in reverse, so hopefully all will show up on time and in the right order. Apparently, Blogger can't handle 4 videos' codes in one post, sigh...

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