Dennys Links

24 March 2009

New Blog Roll listings!

From Denny: Whew! The past week or so I've been busy searching and reading a whole lot of cool blogs all over the world to list over here. So many great choices, so little time... Be sure to scroll down past the posts to view them as I'm sure you will enjoy visiting them too.

What a pleasure it is to be able to write in real time for a change! Though my spelling and typos need work as I would have had this post out 20 minutes ago but for errors editing, sigh... :)


From the Inside Out - creativity in both writing and painting from a cheerful productive person.


Square-Peg Reflections
- square peg living in a round hole world. Amusing, mellow writings on a range of subjects.

What I Just Read - book reviews and book lists, thoughts about authors.

a view to inspirations - jump starting your creativity!

A Year in Manhattan - photos and commentary of life in NYC.


Social Hallucinations - from Denmark on a range of interesting thoughts. The title alone is a grabber!


- geared to women

Acapella Soul Journey - creativity inspirations, more thorough take on developing your creativity.

TRAVEL BLOGS, a new category:

Tongue in Cheek - stories collected from a Californian American, married to a Frenchman and living in the south of France.

paris breakfasts - NYC artist on her trips to her beloved Paris, France. Lots of yummy abstract art to see!

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