Dishing out spicy liberal social commentary and critical thinking news analysis on America, world politics, the news, fun political humor, cartoons - and a little poetry by Independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon.
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06 March 2009
Libations Friday! 6 March 2009
Libations Friday!
I'm feeling a bit cheeky today. That and I know it's past due time I get going on what you can expect on certain days of the week. We all like to know when to check in for our favorite segments, right?
Apologies it took me so long as I had to learn all the tech stuff since I started from zero in that department. Left brain things like this are tedious for me unless I can include some humor or visuals like photos, art and lots of color on the site to keep me engaged and my creative brain from going into snooze mode.
Of course, I just wrote a silly little poem a few minutes ago. Told you I was feeling cheeky as my Brit friends tell me.
Since I also love a great cup of coffee, some awesome green tea, a tall wheat beer or occasionally a devastating martini, I thought I'd crown Fridays as Libations day!
First the libations recipe for hot coffee to drink while you read the poem:
Dennys Version Arabian Style Hot Coffee
3 Tablespoons dark roast ground coffee
3 Tablespoons dark brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cardamon
1 pint water
1/2 teaspoon orange extract (no imitations)
Directions: Heat all these ingredients gently in a saucepan until a foam begins to form on the surface. If you are tough enough then don't put this thru a filter as you pour it into your mug ever so carefully so as to not to disturb the coffee grounds too much!
In Greece I used to drink their version without sugar. They were so shocked they revered me ever since. :)
On to the poem segment:
Dennys Not Haiku But Short Enough
On the Whim of a Grin
On the whim of a grin
Got off my sorry seated self.
Thoughts' arrival time delayed.
As promising patient parent
Wallet work waited.
Spring Fever!
By Denny Lyon
Copyright 6 March 2009
(Some day I may be awesome and famous,
you never know...! Hope springs eternal.)
Drinking Lioness Photo by jelleprin @ flickr
Wonderful Cherry Blossoms Photo by t_a_i_s @ flickr
Coffee Photo by INeedCoffee @ flickr