Dishing out spicy liberal social commentary and critical thinking news analysis on America, world politics, the news, fun political humor, cartoons - and a little poetry by Independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon.
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23 March 2009
Developing a New Blog
Ouch Outrageous Obnoxious and Odd is the new blog's title. "Do ya think?" you can guess what it's about? :)
I keep finding outrageous humor everywhere I turn so I thought I'd start collecting it into one spot. Humor really does take the edge off the work week!
It wll be released out of the barn in a few weeks, so stay tuned. Trying to collect enough entertaining goodies to keep things interesting for you.
And if you have some favorite funny sites and pages you would like me to include, please pass it along! Glad to hear from you!
You can email me: Denny Lyon -
Have a great day everyone!