Dennys Links

11 March 2009

Cheeky Quote Day! 11 March 2009

Don't you just love this dog photo? Talk about nosy! Found him at a fun blog thru MyBlogLog (great place with lots going on): toobizarre.

OK, so I'm known for my silly humor, why not bestow Wednesdays as Cheeky Quote Day? All in favor of this motion raise my hand! Thank you, motion has passed.

While I am a very serious person there are those days when a body just has to do a Happy Dance. Move over, Elmo, there's a new game in town!

Quote: "A sense of humor is the ability to understand a joke - and that the joke is oneself." - Clifton Paul Fadiman

Quote: "Between two evils, I always pick the one I never tried before." - Mae West

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