Dishing out spicy liberal social commentary and critical thinking news analysis on America, world politics, the news, fun political humor, cartoons - and a little poetry by Independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon.
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12 March 2009
9 Things That Remind Me Of People I Know
9 Things That Remind Me Of People I Know:
"Everybody sees or hears things that remind them of other people. Or they smell something that brings them instantly back to an unforgettable moment in their lives.
This list is short and sweet. Nine things that keep popping up that remind me of people that have been in my life (past and/or present) and things which I am certain will always massage those memories.
Take a read and let me know about some of the items and memories on your list."
By gksquire9
From Denny: This is an interesting writing exercise to help you break past writer's block by randoming thinking about your personal associations linked to things or situations.
Pretty clever idea for reflection of personal history and, in so doing, you end up sailing past writer's block reaching your perfect sweet place of writing again!
Photo by be khe @ flickr