Dennys Links

27 February 2009

Thank you to new Feed subscribers!

From Denny:

Hi, everyone! Thank you for joining up on this feed to The Social Poets, much appreciated! It was quite the pleasant surprise this morning when I checked my stats and saw all the new folks coming over to my place for a visit, welcome! I thought the happy dog jumping for joy photo was definitely a good fit for today. :)

BTW, have you noticed the new slideshow I put together for you at the top of the page? All my blogs do take a bit longer than they should to load so I thought you might like to be entertained a bit by some wonderful photography from my friends at flickr. There is so much beauty in the world and they did a great job of capturing a lot of it! They also did photos to amuse you and others to make you think deep, cool stuff!

Yes, I know, the first rule of blogging is to make your pages load fast. Unfortunately, it also makes them visually dull to look at! I like color and large photos and a larger font. A larger font is great for those of us with good eyes but who read a lot on the internet all day long. Those tiny 5.5 fonts are crazy to put on a blog for the general public. You miss out on the older or retired folks who could read your blogs too!

While I park some of my own poetry here from time to time, I do promote my fellow poets too. I'd be glad to post some of yours here too. Just go on over to and get yourself an account. Why? Because you get to keep your copyright to all your writings! I can link from HubPages over to this blog with your writing without violating your copyright. Cool, huh?!

So far, I've been quite pleased with HubPages who are honorable in all ways. That's a lot more than I can say for a previous site I left and took down all my writes. They were monkeying with the already small pay scale and lying about it. I have no use for that kind of attitude toward others.

Tell people the rules of the game and let them decide; don't go changing the rules without notification - and favoritism for some and not for others. Too weird for me over at Triond. Besides, as an Israeli site there is no protection for an American writer's copyright. It was time to walk away from that messy situation.

For me it turned out to be a good thing as I started 7 blogs instead of spinning my wheels on a useless hamster track site going nowhere! I'm having loads of fun with all these blogs and discovering many other writers who have wonderful information to share.

You will notice I've started including life coaches. The first one is Bruce Elkin, a real sociable smart guy from Canada. He specializes in sensitive people like artists, poets, writers, photographers and the like. He is equally adept with business folks and frazzled parents. I found him over at HubPages and he is quite a delight to know: upbeat, serious thinker and problem solver.

The second life coach is newer to me as I just found him at HubPages and his name is Frederick Pearce. As I learn more about him I'll let you know. His article about a bad boss and that tense interaction is something I thought a lot of us have experienced in life. It is a really good article, heartfelt and yet full of learned wisdom and practicality. I'll be looking at more of his writing to see what can be useful to you here at The Social Poets.

Send me a shout if you would like more of something. Feel free to leave comments; that's why the comment box is enabled! If you want to write privately, then feel free to email me, Denny Lyon:

I've only been at this blogging gig for a little over three months. So, if you have suggestions of other subjects, authors, sites, blogs you would like to see featured here just drop me a line.

Thanks again for signing up for my feed!

Photo by William Dalton @ flickr