Dishing out spicy liberal social commentary and critical thinking news analysis on America, world politics, the news, fun political humor, cartoons - and a little poetry by Independent journalist blogger Denny Lyon.
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16 January 2009
Tips for Saving on Groceries and Food Leftovers Ideas
Photo by muha... @ flickr in the Maldives islands
Tips for Saving on Groceries and Food Leftovers Ideas - Now here's a fabulous beach for day dreaming and writing to your heart's content. Everyone living in a winter climate right about now would love to catch the first plane to this paradise!
Second choice? Well, in a downturn economy we might as well learn how to make the most with what we do have. There is a great video in this article of a woman from Washington state who saves 80% of her food budget.
She has a plan and tells all. She is a savvy shopper and without much effort you can be too. Certainly takes the stress out of life when you can easily cut your expenses.
Give a try and then journal or write a poem about your experience! Life is full of experiences and new awarenesses to write! We all know that food and writing go hand in hand.